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Do you Self-harm?


Updated: Feb 2, 2024

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with your feelings?

Do you hurt yourself on purpose to cope with these painful difficult feelings?

Do you self-harm?

Perhaps self-harming is your way of coping with an upsetting or stressful situation, maybe you are overwhelmed by anxiety, sadness or hopelessness. Self-harming may be a distraction for you from the emotional pain you are in. Perhaps you are struggling with exam stresses, pressures at college or work or relationship difficulties so hurting yourself is a relief. It could be a cry for help. Everyone has their own reason.

Do you self-harm because you do not know what else to do to relieve yourself from the emotional pain? If so, here are 10 suggestions to distract yourself from self-harming and alternatives to replace the need to hurt yourself:

#1 - Do some deep breathing, grounding exercises-literally put your feet on the ground and breath slowly and deeply; try a muscle relaxation exercise to release tension or clench and release your fists, curl your fingers or toes and then release them. Use your senses with the 5-4-3-2-1 technique; 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

#2 - Do some Drawing, colouring, doodling and /or keep a journal of your feelings

#3 - Play with a pet if you have one

#4 - Make a playlist of uplifting music and listen to this music

#5 - Punch something soft like a cuddly toy or pillow or scream into the pillow

#6 - Do some exercise like going for a run or some star jumps or dance around your room to your favourite song

#7 - Take a cold shower/squeeze ice cubes

#8 - Make a cosy corner/safe space in your room or somewhere in your home or imagine being in a soothing place.

#9 - Call/message a friend-arrange to see him or her and share how you are feeling.

#10 - Play the drums or a musical instrument

It is important to not suffer alone and get overwhelmed by how you are feeling. You are not alone. If you want to stop self-harming, talk to someone you can trust and share how you are feeling. Get professional support. Remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and courage!

For further help and coping strategies, please click here to arrange an initial FREE 15-minute telephone call with me.

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